Beach Perfect in 5 steps

As we are getting closer to summer, the stress on how our body will look in a bikini is overwhelming. So start planning from now, adjusting your diet and exercise regime to avoid panicking the last minute. Everything is possible as long as you stick to your goal and your goal should be to be happy with …

The Photoshop Beauty (video)

In a brilliant video concept for her song "Nouveau Parfum", Hungarian singer Boggie is undergoing a virtual make-over with the help of photoshop.  The result is astonishing: The girl of next door is transformed into a beauty goddess, a star, a model. Food for thought: Is this the "perfection" we seek in our everyday lives? …

Feature in the Unsung Lilly video!

Unsung Lilly is an inspiring pop band from UK. With their music and stance on life Sera, Frankie, Wayne, Allan and Russ, embody many of the values and principles I live by, so it couldn't but "just be" a love at first sight! Now if you want to be featured in their new video about self-acceptance …

Mind The Gap (video)

A gap between how we perceive ourselves and how we are perceived by others, is not something uncommon. Here is one of the most smart experiments to prove this scenario happens more often than we think and to a much larger scale than we believe. Although published almost a year ago, I chose to post …

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